Voltmetro Arduino
Questo esempio dimostra la capacità di μPanel di realizzare pannelli dinamici, che possono anche cambiare completamente in fase di esecuzione. Il codice implementa un voltmetro multicanale, in grado di monitorare fino a 4 ingressi analogici di una scheda Arduino Uno, ad un tasso complessivo di 20 Hz. L’utente, premendo i pulsanti specifici, in grado di aggiungere o rimuovere i canali sui pannelli. L’applicazione si avvierà la presentazione di una schermata iniziale dell’applicazione.
- Arduino UNO
- Modulo ESP-01 WiFi (con µPanel Firmware)
- Adattatore breadboard ESP-01
- Cavi Breadboard (4 linee, Maschio – Femmina)

Definizione μPanel
La schermata iniziale dell’applicazione è definita come segue:
D!288;{^*30%80,100!288,144{ht2,000,1*14T:μPanel;}/3{*5T:Mobile Interactive;_T:Universal Panel;}_{*7T:Voltmeter Example;_*6T#3AA:For Arduino UNO;}}/20*15B0:START;
L’applicazione del pannello lavoro è definita come segue:
Header Pannello: D!288;{^%100,20!144|%33B1%80:Add;|%33B2%80:Remove;|%33B3%80:Exit;}
Canale Macro: K1:/{p8*15%87!266_T:AN?= ;M??fb:0.00;T: V;_A??%100fn-d#2881:0:0:1023:!0F0;}$
Canale Macro usato per il primo: J1(0)

Arduino Code
String Msg; char ChNumbers = 1; // Number of enabled channels char ChScanning = 0; // Channel to scan int ChValues[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // Array of channel values long LastMeasTime = 0; // Time of last measurement void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); // Initialise serial delay(3000); // Let's the module start SendSplashScreen(); // Send Application Splash Screen } void SendSplashScreen() // Send the splash screen cointaining the Start button { Serial.print("\n$P:D!288;{^*30%80,100!288,144{ht2,000,1*14T:μ}/3{*5T:Mobile Interactive;_T:Universal Panel;}"); Serial.println("_{*7T:Voltmeter Example;_*6T#3AA:For Arduino UNO;}}/20*15B0:START;"); } void SendPanel(char NumberOfChannels) { char x; // Send the definition of the Panel header and define the macro to display channels Serial.print("$P:D!288;{^%100,20!144|%33B1%80:Add;|%33B2%80:Remove;|%33B3%80:Exit;}"); Serial.print("K1:/{p8*15%87!266_T:AN?= ;M??fb:0.00;T: V;_A??%100fn-d#2881:0:0:1023:!0F0;}$"); for(x=0; x<NumberOfChannels; x++) // Recall the channel Macro to display enabled channel sub-panel { Serial.print("J1("); // Macro call keyword Serial.print(x,DEC); // Pass to the macro the number of channel Serial.print(")"); // Terminate the Macro call } Serial.println(""); // Terminate the panel definition for(x=0; x<NumberOfChannels; x++) DisplayChannel(x); // Update the channels' value } void DisplayChannel(char c) // Update the channel value { Serial.print("#A"); Serial.print(c,DEC); Serial.print(":"); // Update the analog bar value Serial.println(ChValues[c]); // with the acquired value (LSB) float v = ((float) ChValues[c]) / 1024.0 * 5.0; // Transfor the LSB into voltage Serial.print("#M"); Serial.print(c,DEC); // Update the channel value message Serial.println(v); // with the acquired value (V) } void loop() { int c; while ((c = Serial.read()) > '\n') Msg += (char) c; // Read incoming chars, if any, until new line if (c == '\n') // is message complete? { if (Msg.substring(0,4).equals("#B3P")) SendSplashScreen(); // has Exit key been pressed? Splash screen! if (Msg.substring(0,4).equals("#B0P")) SendPanel(ChNumbers); // has Start key been pressed? Display Panel if (Msg.substring(0,4).equals("#B1P")) // has the channel ADD button been pressed? { ChNumbers++; // Increase the number of channels if (ChNumbers > 4) ChNumbers = 4; // up to 4 SendPanel(ChNumbers); // Send the new panel } if (Msg.substring(0,4).equals("#B2P")) // has the channel DELETE button been pressed? { ChNumbers--; // Decrease the number of channels if (ChNumbers < 1) ChNumbers = 1; // down to 1 SendPanel(ChNumbers); // Send the new panel } Msg = ""; } if (millis() - LastMeasTime > 100) // is time for a new measurement? { if (ChScanning >= ChNumbers) ChScanning = 0; // if all channels already scanned, restart from 0 ChValues[ChScanning] = analogRead(A0+ChScanning); // Read analog value of selected channel DisplayChannel(ChScanning++); // Update panel and move to the next channel LastMeasTime = millis(); // save the time of this measurement } }